Trust Values

Vision and Values

Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CFT) provides NHS community, mental health, dementia and learning disability services to approximately 450,000 children and adults living in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

The majority of the Trust’s services are based in local communities, enabling care to be provided as close as possible to where people live. Our clinical services are organised into localities. Our quality achievements are underpinned by our strong track record or successful service and financial delivery.

The Trust operates under licence from Monitor (NHS Improvement). We achieved our Foundation Trust on 1 March 2010. The Foundation Trust supersedes the Cornwall Partnership NHS Trust which was established on 1 April 2002. The Trust employs over 3,000 people and is one of the largest local employers. More information on the Trust is available on this website and also in our  Annual Reports and Accounts

As an organisation, our vision is “Delivering high quality care”. This vision is underpinned by five strategic objectives which have been agreed with our system partners. These are:

  • Improve health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities by working in partnership and creating opportunities for our citizens.
  • Provide safe, high quality, timely and compassionate care and support, in local communities wherever possible, and informed by experience of people who use services.
  • Make Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly a great place to work in health and social care.
  • Working efficiently so health and care funding give maximum benefits.
  • Create the underpinning infrastructure and capabilities that are critical to delivering high quality care and support.

These objectives are supported by our CARE values which are:

  • Compassionate services
  • Achieving high standards
  • Respecting individuals
  • Empowering people.

To ensure we do this our services:

  • involve patients and carers in the planning and delivery of care
  • aim to be accessible so that help can be obtained when and where it is needed
  • promote the safety of patients, carers and staff and the wider public
  • provide well co-ordinated services between all staff and agencies
  • aim to do this by delivering high quality treatment and care which is both effective and acceptable

Links to other Documents

Trust Constitution [pdf] 868KB

Policies and Procedures
